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  Tutorial chapter

Your platform either has no binary installation or you've decided to compile PyMedia yourself to make sure everything works with your version of Python or codecs and libraries. This is somewhat more work, primarily to get the dependencies in place. We've tried to make the process as straightforward as possible.
For the time being the following platforms are supported:Linux x86 , cygwin x86 , Windows 2K, XP

Basic PyMedia installation requires no external codecs or libraries. However you'll get a very limited subset of what PyMedia can do. For instance you will not be able to play AAC and OGG files, nor encode MP3, OGG, AAC or any other codec supported as external library. You'll still need Python 2.3+, of course.

If you want everything that you usually get with the binary installation then you'll need these libraries installed:
  • libogg-1.1+
  • libvorbis-1.0.1+
  • liblame-3.95.1+
  • libfaad2
You may install them from sources or just get precompiled packages in any form that works for you. Refer to the appropriate documentation on how to install these libraries on your platform.

Now you can get tar ball( tar.gz ) with latest version of PyMedia and unpack it:
tar xfz pymedia-1.x.x.tar.gz
cd pymedia-1.x.x
python setup.py build

If all the libs are installed correctly you'll see something like this:
OGG : found
VORBIS : found
FAAD : found
MP3LAME : found

If you see 'not found' instead, you will need to check your installation, version of library you're using or just write to pymedia users list if you're unable to solve the problem. Include as much information as possible when writing to the list.

After everything has compiled successfully you will need to install PyMedia as follows ( make sure you have superuser rights or root ):
python setup.py install
To make sure everything works fine you need to go to the command prompt/shell or run Python from the shortcut and type the following:
import pymedia

If you get errors during this process write to pymedia users mailing list and include as much information as possible so somebody can resolve the issue.
In order to be able to play videos in the runtime you will need either pygame-1.7.+ or pydfb.1.0.2+ installed. Please refer their documentation on how to install them.

That's it ! Congratulation, now you may jump over to the first tutorial section you want to try( click here for random section ).
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